CONGRATULATIONS: It’s your special life time!

Tanzania honeymoon safari packages are designed with all needed ingredients for safari & Zanzibar beach holidays to make this special event for newly married couples a life time experience & a memorable trip in Africa. At Kichuguu Tours we have many options for such an important event but we always invite you to go through all options & we lastly compile all thoughts & ideas to design a honeymoon package of your dreams.

Serengeti Wildebeest Migration, The big 5 & the big cats is what you may expect to experience during the safari before enjoying the white sand beaches of Zanzibar islands.

What is the cost of Tanzania honeymoon safari & Zanzibar Beach?  When designing Tanzania honeymoon safari packages we consider following things:- Traveling dates, accommodation type being luxury, mid-range or budget as well as number of days on safari & Zanzibar, when all these are discussed then we can figure out what will be the total cost of your Tanzania honeymoon safari.

Our honeymoon tour will include game viewing safari to the most highlighted Northern Tanzania parks of Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater & lastly Zanzibar beach vacation. Cultural tours of bushmen visit at Lake Eyasi and Lake Natron can be part of your Tanzania honeymoon tour. We can as well organize nature walks & Masai village visit if needed. The total cost of your honeymoon package in Tanzania will be generated based on your preferences &  ideas.

Choose any of our customizable honeymoon safari packages which include beach holidays in Zanzibar. The packages can be altered to be of safari only or otherwise, just tell use your preference & wishes. Total cost for Tanzania honeymoon safari packages are mostly based on what has been mentioned above however, regardless of how small your budget is, we are open for discussion. Our Tanzania honeymoon safari experts are always there to help you arrange a honeymoon package of your dreams. We say, Karibu Tanzania!!!

Join us for unforgettable Tanzania honeymoon packages which combines wildlife safari & beach holidays in the exotic islands of Zanzibar.